To protect both patients and practitioners during COVID-19, BYU nursing and IT professors collaborated to design a digital, 3D-printed stethoscope that makes it possible to listen to the heart and lungs of their patients while standing up to 50 feet away.
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A team of six BYU Mechanical Engineering students partnered with the National Ability Center (NAC) through the BYU Engineering Capstone program to design a portable lift to assist in moving people of varying abilities from a wheelchair to adapted sporting equipment. The NAC is a nonprofit located in Park City, UT that aims to empower individuals of different abilities to participate in a variety of recreational activities such as skiing, mountain biking, rock climbing and more.
A group of BYU students from the Ira A. Fulton College of Engineering teamed up with internet connectivity provider UTOPIA Fiber to create a new early-detection tool that could save communities thousands of dollars and, more importantly, lives.
Virtus.pro_百度百科:VP的队长和战术指导。Jolie总能制定出令人意想不到的打法,出奇制胜。虽然VP的战术上功劳不全算Jolie 的,但是他居功至伟。他担任VP的solo选手,他有出色的打钱能力并能在合适的时机跟进VP那令人窒息 …
Four of six BYU Construction Management teams won high awards at the national Associated Schools of Construction Competition (ASCC).
College of Engineering
Sat. Sept 19 | Online Event